Important forms
Reappraisal of Graded Term Work
Step 1
Discussion with instructor
Student discusses the assignment with instructor within 10 business days of being notified of the grade.
Step 2
If still unresolved
If still unresolved, Student has 2 business days to bring the matter to Dept Head by filling out the Dept reappraisal form.
Step 3
Reappraisal arrangement
Head arranges reappraisal of work within 10 business days.
Step 4
Reappraisal result provided
Reappraisal result given to student in writing. A reappraisal may result in the grade to be raised, lowered or remain the same.
Reappraisal limit
There is no limit to the # of pieces of graded work a student may request be reappraised, but a single piece may only be reappraised once.
Reappraisal of Academic Assessment (final grades)
Step 1
Final assessment discussion
Student discusses the final assessment that makes up the final mark with the instructor.
Step 2
If still unresolved
If still unresolved, Student fills and submits the Reappraisal of Final Grade form to Enrolment Services by the deadline in Calendar.
Step 3
Form sent to department
ES will forward the form to the Department, and is dealt with by the head of the academic unit in consultation with members of academic staff.
Step 4
Head arranges reappraisal of work within 30 days, and once completed Dept returns the form to ES.
Step 5
Decision provided to student
The decision is given to student in writing by the Registrar’s Office. A reappraisal may result in the grade to be raised, lowered or remain the same.
Reappraisal limit
A student may request a reappraisal of the final grade for a max of 3 courses/ academic year.
Graded Term Work & Academic Assessment Appeals
Step 1
Completion of previous steps
Student must have completed the previous steps before undertaking an appeal; Appellant must submit the appeal in writing (email) to the Faculty by the 10th business day after completing the previous steps.
Step 2
Appeal only on specific grounds
Appellant can only appeal on specific grounds:
a) procedural irregularity
b) previous Decision was made on a basis other than performance (bias)
Step 3
Dean or Delegate may resolve appeal
The Dean or delegate may resolve the appeal to the appellant’s satisfaction or refer it to the Chair of the Appeals committee.
Step 4
Chair will notify appellant
The Chair will notify the appellant in writing whether the appeal is denied or whether the appeal is proceeding to a hearing before the panel.
Step 5
Advance notice
If determined to proceed to a hearing, the appellant and respondent will get 5 business days advance notice of the time and place of the hearing.
Step 6
Notice of decision
Once the hearing has occurred, the Chair will distribute the decision to the appellant & respondent in writing within 10 business days.
Graded term work decisions are final
Graded term work decisions are final and cannot be further appealed. Academic assessment decisions are appealable to the UAC pursuant to allowable grounds.