Specific Science Registration Information
Everything you need to know before you register
Everything you need to know before you register
There are 2 academic terms and 2 “intersessions”. Fall and Winter are the 2 academic terms, Spring and Summer are the 2 academic “intersessions”.
Fall: September to December
Winter: January to April
Spring: May to June
Summer: July to August
Registration is first-come, first-served and based on your enrollment appointment.
Courses are reserved for a period of time each year at the beginning of the registration period for you. Make sure to be on top of your registration and register for both Fall and Winter in March. How to find the reservation end-date.
Enrollment Appointments are the exact day and time you can begin registering in courses. Every student is assigned an Enrollment Appointment by the Registrar’s office. You can view your Enrollment Appointment in your student centre a few weeks before course registration begins.
Courses are reserved for specific students for a period of time each year, commonly called “reserve caps”. Even if a course is reserved for you, it will only be until the reservation lifts. Once it lifts, anyone can register in the course.
Make sure you know these dates and register early!
Not all classes have a waitlist!
Whether or not a class will have a wait list is determined by the department that runs the class. If a class does not have a wait list and you want to register in it, you will need to keep checking to see if a spot opens up.
The Registrar’s team has a guide to course registration on their website.
Ask for a Letter of Permission (LOP) anytime you decide to take a course at a post-secondary school other than UCalgary. You need an LOP even if the courses you take won’t transfer back.
Where do I start?
How do you apply for a letter of permission?
Do you need to know what you want to take?
How do I know if my LOP has been approved?
How do I get my transfer credit?
Every student in the Faculty of Science must take options outside of the Faculty of Science. Some of them must be from the Faculty of Arts. You’ll see this noted as Breadth, which means ‘a wide range.’
There is no such thing as “easy options.” What’s easy for one student can be hard for another. No course is an easy A.
What options should I take? USC Advisors recommend you do the following:
Since the pre-requisite grade you need is normally C-, there may be a time when you need to retake a course.
First Time: registering or withdrawing from a course
Second Time:
Third Time:
Do they happen? Absolutely! Do they happen for a reason? Definitely.
When you start registering for courses you may see an error message that looks like:
You’re missing the prerequisite or have the anti-requisite The class is restricted An error occurred when you tried to register
If you see any error message you don’t understand, follow these steps:
If you see an error, double check if the message makes sense.
Ask yourself:
Is the HS pre-requisite in your transfer credit report? Do you have a C- or better in each of the pre-requisite classes? Is there a restriction on the course? Is there a time conflict with another class? Are you registered in too many courses? Do you have too many courses in one subject? Did you already take this class?Check the Registrar’s website to see if it may be an error somewhere else
If Steps 2 and 3 fail: See a program advisor in the USC for help.