July 29, 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Venkataraman Thangadurai, PhD, and Dr. Kalpana Singh, on their most recent publication

Professor V. Thangadurai (VT), Dr. Kalpana Singh (CFREF postdoctoral fellow), and Dr. Ramaiyan Kannan (former postdoctoral fellow) have recently published a review article in Solid State Ionics.
Dr. Venkataraman Thangadurai, PhD, and Dr. Kalpana Singh,


In this article, they have discussed the science behind tailoring Perovskite type oxides for high temperature proton conducting solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) application. This article is based on invited talk presented by VT in 19th International Conference on Solid State Protonic Conductors (SSPC-19). This article also chronicles the journey through which patented chemically stable proton conducting electrolyte for SOFCs was developed in VT group. Authors firmly believe that employing chemically stable proton conducting electrolyte will increase market acceptability of SOFCs though shorter start-up and shut-down times, plant cost reduction and, use of varied economical materials. Read the full paper here.