May 12, 2020
2020 Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award
Heather Bensler
Heather Bensler
Nominated by Hailee Crawford
Instructor Heather Bensler goes above the call of an educator in the undergraduate nursing program in every way possible says nominator Hailee Crawford, who calls Heather respectful, inclusive, supportive, caring and knowledgeable about what she teaches.
“She advocated for us when we couldn’t for ourselves, she pushed us when we weren’t capable of knowing what we could accomplish, and at the end of the day, she believed in us even at times when we weren’t sure of ourselves.”
Supporter of the nomination, Melissa Everest, says that Heather’s “dependability” sets her apart. “She truly cares about her students and the quality of education she is providing them.”
Photo by Riley Brandt, University of Calgary